Smile~ ♥

Your smile melts my heart.
Can you do me a favour please?
Just.. Just smile to me again~

Your smile is like honey.
Soothed the wounds in my heart.
I like the way you smile.
I just love the way you smile.

The world is becoming new.
Flowers blooming in the cold winter.
Just.. Just shot me with your smile~

p/s you're not my cup of tea, you're just cute with your smile. =P

3 Response to "Smile~ ♥"

  1. Dutz Says:

    haha~ who who who~~ ming yin's poem~~!!

  2. "-cMy-" Says:

    lol.. no who la.. =.= write shuang niaaaaa.. xDDD

  3. Anonymous Says:

    i noe is me.... ahahhahahahah... mai like dis moh.... me very paiseh eh...